
‘UFBest’ is an attractive, high-quality peach with yellow, high blush, sweet-tasting, non-melting flesh, with early ripening habits. This variety produces fruit with a tree-ripened aroma and sweetness that softens slowly, allowing for longer shelf life than fruit from conventional melting-flesh cultivars. Trees possess a low-chilling requirement of approximately 100 chill units (cu).

Fruit are medium and average 3.5 to 4.5 ounces and up to 2.75 inches in diameter. Ripe fruit have an attractiveness near 100% red skin with a golden yellow ground color. Fruit ripens about 85 days from full bloom, in late April to early May in Gainesville, FL. UFBest performs well in areas where ‘UFSun’ and ‘Tropicbeauty’ are grown successfully.

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